Bitrue Copy Trading Feature — Empowering Novice Traders!

Blaise Hilary
3 min readJan 20, 2024


Trading has always been challenging, especially for novice traders looking to leverage market volatility and earn income. It requires a high level of technical experience to analyze market trends using key indicators.

Some of the strategies to analyse the market trend include;

- Candlestick anatomy
- Price action
- Moving average convergence divergence
- Relative strength index, to mention a few.

These strategies require time to have a grip on it. So novice traders would have a hard time executing these strategies. In some cases, they may run into making huge losses due to inexperience.

Moreover, experiencing significant losses may be traumatizing and could potentially lead to a loss of interest and morale in trading.

All thanks to Bitrue, they found a way to help and support inexperienced traders stay in the game with its exciting “Copy Trading ” feature.

What is Copy Trading?

Copy Trading is an advanced trading feature that enables inexperienced and uncertain traders to copy trading actions from more experienced traders in real time to make profits.

It helps novice traders to rely on the trading techniques and strategies of more experienced traders.

Here are some key advantages of copy trading

  • Novice traders can benefit from the expertise of seasoned and successful investors without having to become experts themselves.
  • It provides access to strategies and market insights developed by experienced traders over time.
  • Users can spread their investments across multiple traders with different strategies thus reducing risk.
  • It reduces the learning curve and allows newcomers to participate in the financial markets more confidently.
  • Copy trading serves as an educational tool for novice traders. It allows them to understand trading strategies and market dynamics by observing the actions of experienced investors.

Bitrue Integrates Copy Trading into Its Platform

Bitrue understands the need to build an inclusive community, providing earning opportunities to everyone.

So they launched their Copy trading feature, designed to bridge the gap between experienced traders and novice traders.

The user-friendly interface allows uncertain traders to follow experts and replicate their trading actions to make profits.

How to use Bitrue One-Click Copy Trading?

Selecting A Trader To Follow

  1. Go to the Copy Trading homepage;
  2. View existing Traders;
  3. Select the trader you want to follow;
  4. Set the copy trading preferences and start copy trading;
  5. The trader opens a position and leads the copy trading operation based on the copy trading preferences.

Read the full here

Become a Copy Trader in a Few Steps

  1. Visit the latest version of the Bitrue Android app (iOS and web versions to be released soon).
  2. Click on “Become a Trader” on the Copy trading homepage or “My Copy Trade(s)” page.
  3. Fill in the information, read carefully, and agree to “Bitrue Copy Trading User Terms of Service”.
  4. Wait for approval.

Read the full steps here

Become a Follower in a Few Steps

  1. Search the list of available traders, and choose the ones that match your criteria based on their trading style.
  2. Set your copy trading preferences.
  3. Follow traders to open and close positions.

As soon as you complete the following process, your future account will sync with their trading actions.

Key Things to Consider While Selecting a Trader

  • High yield, high earnings, and higher total follow-up earnings are the most important data indicators.
  • By looking at the trader’s length of residence, number of transactions, and yield, we can understand whether the trader can maintain profitability in the long term.
  • We can judge whether the trader adopts a specific trading strategy by looking at the position and transaction volume.
  • By looking at AUM, we can understand their popularity and the recognition of others for their trading ability.

Read the full details here

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