Epik Protocol’s Knowledge Storage and Access

Blaise Hilary
7 min readAug 18, 2021



EpiK Protocol is a decentralized believed information diagram collaboration foundation of the People, by the People, for the People.

Meaning of proof of space-time (PoST)

Proof-of-spacetime (PoST) is an agreement calculation that is firmly identified with proof-of-capacity (PoC), which is now and again called proof-of-storage or proof-of-space.

It is proof that shows the prover has invested a measure of energy keeping the held space unaltered.

Its maker’s reason is that the expense of capacity is inseparably connected not exclusively to its ability, however to the time wherein that limit is utilized.

proof-of-capacity is to require network members to exhibit a monetary interest in the achievement of the organization by assigning some type of memory or circle space towards it.

The evidence would then be able to be utilized to accomplish decentralized agreement in a blockchain network or other decentralized convention.

Difference Between Proof-of-Spacetime and Proof-of-Capacity

Proof-of-spacetime varies from proof-of-capacity in that PoST permits network members to demonstrate that they have spent a “spacetime” asset, implying that they have distributed capacity ability to the organization throughout some stretch of time.

The makers of Proof-of-Spacetime, Ilan Orlov and Tal Moran, called this ‘Rational’ Proofs of Space-Time in light of the fact that the genuine expense of capacity is relative to the result of capacity limit and the time that it is utilized.

Meaning of PoRep

A proof-of-replication (PoRep) is an intelligent confirmation framework wherein a prover protects a freely undeniable case that it is devoting novel assets to putting away at least one retrievable imitations of an information document.

Proof-of-replication goes about as a proof-of-retrievability instrument within a proof-of-space system.

What does that really mean? It implies that PoRep permits a “prover” to show that they truly and genuinely utilise space to store copies of a snippet of data or information.

That, however, PoRep implies that the information that the prover is putting away can undoubtedly be gotten to, also known as “recovered.”

EpiK’s Knowledge Storage

Putting away information in an unchanging climate is one of the necessities of EpiK Protocol’s information chart, and decentralized stockpiling innovation is the most creative and effective answer for the store this information for all time over the long run.

Referring to the capacity model of Filecoin, EpiK Protocol will likewise accept areas as the unit and use proof of replication (PoRep) and proof-of-spacetime (PoSt) to guarantee total information stockpiling in a decentralized climate.

Filecoin and EpiK Protocol

As the situations of Filecoin are for the most part all-inclusive stockpiling, this is being used by huge documents.

While in the information diagram cooperative situations of EpiK Protocol, little container log documents are delivered by miniature coordinated effort with high recurrence, in order to make the best of organization assets.

Also, EpiK Protocol imagines developing a Layer2 stockpiling network redid for the information chart community stage, which depends on the center innovation of Filecoin.

EpiK Protocol Layer2 organization

On EpiK Protocol Layer2 organization, any individual who stakes 1,000 EPK can be a Knowledge Node (KN). KNs need to give information stockpiling administrations to Knowledge Expert (KEs).

Before KEs transfer information, they are needed to send an on-affix message to enroll the information. Then, at that point, they are hotspot for online KNs with the expectation of complimentary stockpiling (Deal).

Information is then moved to the KN. After KNs stores the information locally and finishes the PoRep, they are needed to send an on-anchor message to declare the area where the comparing information is put away, telling the whole organization that a total duplicate of the information has been put away.

Occasionally KNs are needed to send on-chain messages and distribute the PoSt of the dynamic area, advising the organization regarding the uprightness of the information put away locally.

Each piece of information chart information is intended to be little to try not to squander extra room, with every area size set to 8MB as a matter of course.

The information hub gives free information stockpiling administrations to space specialists.

The information hub can acquire processing power in the wake of putting away the information transferred by the area specialists.

For each new record transferred by space specialists, information hubs that have finished document stockpiling in the primary N positions can get twofold the registering power.

Knowledge Nodes (KNs) and Knowledge Experts (KEs) Connection

KNs are not needed to react to KEs information transfer demands progressively.

When synchronizing block data, if KNs discover information chart information that they have not put away, they can quickly create free stockpiling arrangements, and solicitation information through the strategies portrayed in the previous posts, finishing the proof-of-replication (PoRep) to acquire the hub power, and keep up with it by persistently transferring the PoSt.

Each KN can save a duplicate of the information transferred by KEs, and there is no restriction on the quantity of KN per information.

For KN, just putting away information enrolled by KEs will permit them to acquire hub power, and putting away different duplicates of similar information doesn’t build one’s hub power.

Also, the information transferred by KEs should be put away over a significant stretch. KNs don’t have to guarantee unceasing capacity yet at regular intervals, each KN is needed to transfer the PoSt of all his put away information in bunches.

On the off chance that any group of the transfer fizzles, the KN won’t lose any marked EPK tokens, however, rather will lose the hub power for that clump of areas.

In the event that Post of the missing areas is transferred within 28 days, and the lost hub force will be recuperated, in any case, the KN should re-start a capacity bargain for the missing areas to recapture figuring power.

EpiK Protocol utilizes the Expected Consensus calculation to create blocks, any KN with a hub power more noteworthy than 0 has the chance to be a square maker.

Utilizing Expected Consensus, the more noteworthy the hub power, the higher the likelihood of being a square maker.

A square will be delivered like clockwork, and there might be at least zero KNs who will be this square maker.

The primary square maker to finish and communicate the square to most of other KNs in the whole organization will get capacity rewards, of 115.2 EPK block rewards, of what separates in an accompanying way:

  1. 1% will be designated to electors who decided in favor of KEs as referenced in the previous post.
  2. 75% will be conveyed to KNs who are at present creating blocks through the “7 + 7” technique — prizes will be delivered following 7 days, over a time of the following 7 days.
  3. 15% will be apportioned dependent on the organic market of Epik’s information chart information into Knowledge Fund and the appropriations for KNs’ activity cost as earlier stated in the previous article.
  4. 9% will be apportioned to existing KEs as stated in a previous article about Epik.
  5. Square rewards will be decreased once in like clockwork by 0.9573501 of the earlier square prize sum.

As indicated by this decrease proportion, block prizes will be split at regular intervals, bringing about the full course of the 700M EPK tokens by capacity in an expected time span of 50 years.


EpiK’s Knowledge Access

Information in EpiK’s Knowledge Vault is put away in the particular decentralized hubs, and as information limit develops, supporting admittance to EpiK’s Knowledge Graph is the fundamental and most significant undertaking close by.

In that capacity, the transfer speed of the whole organization will be covered consistently.

EpiK Protocol and User Interaction

EpiK Protocol will permit clients to get to the information in a methodical way under restricted transmission capacity assets, and simultaneously, urge KNs to ceaselessly streamline their transfer speed assets.

In EpiK Protocol, clients can get 10MB of information access traffic each day for each EPK marked.

The information access limit is invigorated every day. As referenced in one of the previous articles, 15% of each square prize will be apportioned and appropriated by the market interest of the information chart information of the whole organization, which is best estimated by the level of EPK marked to acquire day by day traffic access into EpiK’s Knowledge Graph.

A high rate will demonstrate that EpiK’s Knowledge diagram is popular and Nodes should be better boosted to expand transfer speed quality, guaranteeing a smooth guest experience.

The other way around, a low rate will demonstrate that Knowledge in EpiK’s Knowledge Graph isn’t significant yet and the Foundation will utilize these assets to speed up the development of a more important Knowledge Graph.

In the event that the measure of EPK marked for getting to information represents 15% of EPK all out dissemination and each square award is 115.2 EPK, the current square hub will get 86.4 EPK as square prize according to the “7+7” open game plan.

In the interim, 3.456 EPK will be infused into the Bandwidth Incentive Pool, which is to be circulated to information recovery suppliers at the cost of 0.00002 EPK/Mb.

Furthermore, the Knowledge Fund Incentive Pool will likewise get 13.824 EPK, which is to be circulated to abundance trackers in publicly supporting applications like Knowledge Mainland.

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