Seascape announces its first LP mining game on Moonriver- rewards users in MOVR
As Seascape Network announces its first LP mining game on Moonriver, get ready to earn MOVR rewards.
Aside from revolutionizing the style at which games you love are you played, Seascape Network is alternating the game yet again by being amidst the first to launch on Moonriver!
Moonriver as mentioned in the preceding article is a companion network to Moonbeam that provides a perpetually rewarded canary network. It is a comprehensive Ethereum-like environment that operates with DApps, Ethereum tools, and protocols. Users can now add liquidity right now!
The good news is seascape is giving away 1000 in MOVR REWARDS. Profit Circus in seascape is in operation with its very season on Moonriver. Don’t hesitate to send in your LP tokens!
The procedure is straightforward: invest $RIB-$MOVR LP tokens to get MOVR rewards!
In case you are still wondering what LP token are, liquidity provider tokens are abbreviated as LP tokens. There are tokens granted to liquidity providers on a decentralized exchange (DEX) that utilizes the automated market maker (AMM) protocol.
Popular DEXs that distribute LP tokens to their liquidity providers include Uniswap, Sushi, and PancakeSwap.
Here is an opportunity for you to win BIG as these tokens are as treasurable as they are scarce.
Trust me; this is something you don’t want to get yourself eluded from with some of the excellent APR in the DeFi game! This is your first opportunity to obtain Generation 0 Scapes, with an unchained regular Scape sent directly to your wallet after 24 hours of staking!
As the very first collection of NFTs on Moonriver, these are an invaluable resource for gamers on the cutting edge of DeFi gaming.
In this shortened season of Profit Circus, users may now compete for 1000 in MOVR rewards! This process started on August 30th and will last through September 11th. While the gameplay is largely the same as on other chains, this season of Profit Circus includes some additional phases.
To begin, you must get RIB-MOVR LP tokens in order to participate. Ticket RIB, riverboat, is Seascapes’ latest token on Moonriver. These RIB tokens are the first ERC-20 tokens to be launched on Kusama and will be used in both NFT economies and gaming across the Seascape Network.
Because it’s already off to a great start, you’ll want to get them into your wallet as soon as possible! Check out our guide here to learn how to obtain MOVR along with RIB, and also how to contribute to the RIB-MOVR liquidity pool in order to obtain those delicious, sweet LP tokens!
Keep in mind to check prices frequently and be wary of price discrepancies that might result in a temporary loss.
The Circus is coming to town, and you don’t want to miss out on getting front-row tickets! Keep a lookout for the upcoming NFT Marketplace, as well as new games and so much more! At Seascape Network, the income never stops!
Your Game. Your Rules.
Enjoy the Seascape.